Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nature's God


As a child I wandered by myself in the woods on the hills near our home. I liked the beauty and the solitude. I didn't know enough then to call the experience "God." But gradually I came to realize that God was in all that beauty and variety of nature.
These experiences of God in my natural surroundings have intensified since I retired three years ago. It doesn't hurt that I have a stunning view of the Lake and the hills beyond and that my morning walk takes me past fields like this one in today's picture. Each day I am newly amazed at the enormous variety of shapes and shades of green just in the weeds. The way the morning sun catches them is splendid. I feel embraced by Love.
Today's calendar from Ministry of the Arts tells me, "Fall in love with the sun." I'm told that our word "God" can be traced to the Sanskrit word for "sun." It doesn't surprise me that I feel loved and caressed by the sun and that I love the sun in return.
The same Ministry sent me an email summer greeting with a quote from Julian of Norwich which captures perfectly what my three years here have magnified for me: The fullness of joy is to behold God in all things.
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