Sunday, January 3, 2010

Epiphany 2010


The "phan" in Epiphany is from the Greek verb meaning "to show." "Epi" means "forth." A showing forth. To the Magi God shows forth Godself in the Christ child. The star shows them where the child is.
We can read about that epiphany and see pictures of the Magi adoring the Baby; but, being made the way we are, we need more. God is always present in us and in the events and things of our world, but we don't always notice. We need star signs to call our attention to God showing Godself in our world. Sunshine often does it for me, transforming this road I walk every morning into a revelation of the Divine. An extraordinary act of kindness shows God to us. Even the simple babbling of a baby. How clever of God to come as a baby!
Our part is simply to keep a sharp eye out for the many stars and epiphanies God sends us in 2010.
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