Thursday, May 20, 2010

At Home with Love


Maybe this bird was trying to get this plastic over the nest as a kind of canopy to keep the rain out or maybe she didn't intend it to be useful, just decorative, something distinctive. Whatever, it's home, and she made me laugh.
In John 14:23 Jesus assures us, "Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them, and make our home with them." Like a mother, the Holy Spirit is the Love that creates this home within us where we can live with our Father and our Brother.
A few verses earlier Jesus has used the name "Paraclete" for the Spirit. The Greek means "someone who is called to the side of." I find it helpful to think of the Spirit of Love "called to my side" to create a home within me where I can live the life of the Trinity.
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