Monday, February 21, 2011

Consider Wildflowers


"They never have to work or spin;yet I assure you that not even Solomon in all his royal robes was dressed like one of these. Now if that is how God dresses the wildflowers growing in the field which are there today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow, will God not much more look after you, you who have so little faith? So do not worry." (Matthew 6:28-31)
Jesus invites us to look around us and see how God cares for nature, such as birds and wildflowers. We are more precious to God than any of the natural world. We can put ourselves entirely in God's hands, confident that God has the concern and the power to look out for us.
This entire passage about trusting God first appealed to me when I was in the high school seminary. It helped me not to worry about my studies. It has continued to be a comfort for me, helping me to put in God's hands whatever threatens me. Sometimes I still worry as if everything depended on my efforts. Then I look at the stars and the seasons and the woods and streams and know that I am in good hands. I want always to pay attention to Jesus in my heart whispering, "Do not worry."
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