Thursday, September 13, 2012

Morning Glory

Sunday morning I awoke to a pink-orange light in my room.  I hurried outside with my camera to find Glory filling the eastern sky and spilling into the lake.  (The picture can be enlarged by clicking on it)
The Lake in the summer is too good to leave.  I plan now to go away for a while.  I don't expect to experience elsewhere a sunrise like this.  As I swim in the mornings, I think of how few days I have left to do that.  Today's weather was like a return to summer. 
I had a hectic day.  I came home and jumped in the lake and let the water lull away the stress.  I found myself wondering whether I'll have pool available after a busy day of sight-seeing.  I always experience these little tugs on my heart when I am getting ready to go on vacation. 
Yet I am very excited about seeing new places and having new experiences.  Travel really does broaden me.  New ideas.  New foods. It makes room in my heart for new people.  Variety is a spice.

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