Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Epiphany 4

Last night I watched a terrific French movie called Queen to Play.  A woman's learning and mastering chess is reflected in her taking charge of her own life.  Her teacher advises her, "When you take a risk you may lose; when you don't take a risk you always lose."  He's talking about chess and her life.  I thought immediately of the Magi.
They take a big risk leaving home to follow a star and they find God.  Not to have followed the star would have left them with their old gods and their same old life.  Jesus told us that those who seek will find. 
Jesus, as well as the Magi's story, challenges us to risk finding God in a new way.  Changing the name we use for God.  Experimenting with a different form of prayer.  Reading about new ways of understanding God.  There may be some confusion at first, but we most likely will find ourselves in a new and richer relationship with God.
Yesterday on my way home I decided to come on a county road.  Since the heavy snow the county roads are not as clear as the state roads.  But I thought I might see some good views that I wouldn't see on the easier road.  The risk paid off.  The picture above is one of several beautiful views that I came across.  These little epiphanies don't compare with the Epiphany that the Magi experienced and my risk was nowhere near what theirs was.  Nevertheless, suddenly there's God.

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