Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wild Side

Monday morning as I was returning from my usual walk I saw a black bear ambling along behind a house about 20 yards from where I was walking.  I think it was a young one, about four feet tall on all four legs.  Sorry I didn't get a picture.  I did pull my camera out of my pocket and paused.  But I realized how stupid I was being and hurried home.
Tuesday morning I was wandering up a country lane in another part of the county when a big buck came crashing out of the woods on my left and went leaping across the road into another woods.  It was only about a yard in front of me.  I know it had antlers but I was too startled to count.  I am used to seeing the does and young ones alongside the road as I drive, but I have never seen that big a deer, nor any deer up that close.
I sometimes write here about the peace and quiet of walking in my neighborhood and in the woods.  Nothing worthwhile comes without risk.

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