Tuesday, March 31, 2015


This is the last of three sets of pictures that I have titled "Last Snow!"  But the sun has risen and the lake is blue.
The "Empty Tomb" passage that is chosen from Mark for the Easter liturgies omits the crucial last verse: "And the women went out and fled from the tomb, for fear and bewilderment took hold of them.  And they said nothing to anyone.  For they were afraid. (16:8)"  A "young man" (an angel?) has told them, "He has been raised; he is not here.  Go and tell his disciples...."  Instead they run away frightened.
The verse is important because it completes Mark's picture of the followers of Jesus running away from him.  During his passion "the disciples left him and fled."  A brave young man, thinking he has what it takes to stick by Jesus, becomes so frightened that he wiggles out of the little he is wearing and runs away naked.  
The women have been the most faithful of Jesus' followers.  They watched the crucifixion and burial "from a distance" and now have come alone on Sunday morning to prepare his body for burial.  They are finally so frightened that they too run away. 
Mark wants his readers to know that God accomplishes his purpose without the help of us weak human beings.  The Sun has risen and the lake is blue.

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