Monday, April 13, 2015

Joyful Fear

Some forsythia blooming today very close  to the warm earth.
Easter is too explosive to let it go.  We continue this coming Sunday with Luke's account of Jesus' appearing to the disciples on the evening of the Resurrection (24:35-48.)  What struck me most in meditating on this passage was Luke's skill in capturing the enormous mix of feelings that the disciples felt on first seeing the Risen Lord.  They were alarmed, frightened, agitated, doubting, joyful, unbelieving, dumbfounded.  We are right there with them happy and amazed and wondering   how Jesus can still be a complete human being with body and soul, yet so transformed by the Resurrection that he can appear out of thin air?  that he can live within us?  that he can transform all creation from beginning to end?

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